This week has been really crazy, so I apologize for the time in between posts. Monday, my friend Katie gave me the heads up that she'd be playing an hour-long acoustic set at Moody, and she was all like, It's really short notice, yada yada yada, but all I had on my schedule was moving a refrigerator with the overbearing bossman (my pops), so her little brother Stevie (sub 53-sec quarter miler as of saturday, mad props) and I booked it on over, and saw our little oriental wonder slay the set. It was really nice to be able to support Katie after she was such a great support* to my team in high school. And great coaching on my part, keeping our stud 400m runner out until 11 o'clock the night before a meet. In my defense, the kid goes to bed at 1 everyday, according to Katie, so it's gonna happen. I started talking with a hilarious friend of Katie's at Moody who had grown up in central Illinois, and his first question on hearing that I lived in Wheaton was, "Oh, so what church do you attend?" Valid question, but when I answered that I don't attend church, his look of incredulity had me planning my exit strategy.
With Tuesdays physical therapy appointment came some horrendous news. My therapist/ masseuse/ coach/ friend, of whose opinion I have deep respect, has strongly advised that I implement power walking as I start back up with my running. So there you have it: three years ago I was running 100mpw, and now you can find me getting up at the ass-crack of dawn (to avoid anybody seeing me), throwing on some Jane Eyre audiobook on my shuffle, and getting down and dirty with my best attempt to look like these champs. Did I mention it's in spandex, too? I've officially become that guy. I used to jokingly call running an addiction, but when I get my hips a-shimmyin' down the block in the morning now, I'm starting to feel like I'm on Bob Saget's level.
Also on Tuesday, Wheaton North had a track meet at West Aurora. Pretty standard stuff; West Aurora's varsity crew ran really well, and we had our freshman and sophomores run really well. Zach Johnson had a 4 sec personal best in the 800m, so he is proving he's not a one-hit-wonder. Other notables were Aaron Hewitt's p.r. in the 400m, a nice 2:15 800m from Jonny Soderlund, and drops for Sam Beasley and Chris Stopka in the 3200m. Joseph Emmanuel is still struggling a little bit, but you wouldn't know it by his ever-present grin. That kid is a pleasure to coach. I'm sure he'll turn it around here soon.
Wednesday, I worked all damn day. Clocked in at Shanes at 8:30, and that day was pretty standard. Business is picking up big time at the shop, and it's pretty much a hustle from open to close. At 2, I chucked a deuce to Shane, Pancho, Chavo, and Esse and split to go help with the Wheaton Twilight meet at Wheaton College. The meet was supposed to take place on Saturday night, but with snow flurries (not a typo) scheduled for then, Coach Bradley tried to pull off the switch to Wednesday.
And did he ever, thanks to a lot of helping hands (Kristian Rosenberger among them). I personally booked it over to the javelin spot, and shagged javelins for the better part of 3 hours. It was a lot harder than it sounds, having to sprint out, grab the jav, and sprint the 30-50m back, then sprint back for the next throw. The girl that was supposed to be alternating with me had some shin splints, so she didn't want to run. I was happy to assume full duty, since I was trying to spit game at that chick, anyway. Oh, and Dickum's girlfriend Paige was throwing, so I'm going to text him saying I was shagging his girlfriend's shaft, or something raunchy like that. You know, good, clean fun.
After the jav, I busted my ass over to the oval, and worked the hurdles and blocks cart. It was a total blast, a lot of people ran well, and most importantly, I didn't have to rake for the jump pits. I don't do well with that shit. I then closed off a successful meet by kicking it with former falcon and current NCC stud Randall, hitting on Laurel at the hospitality tent, and copping a meet T-shirt on the sly. You know, hood-rat things.
Special thanks to Anna for some compliments on the blog! Anna's always been a great friend, and I owe her big time for letting me sit in on one of her Torrey Classes during my Biola visit. I'm so pumped to start up the Torrey classes in August. For those of you that know me, when I say that I am pumped about something school-related, that really means something. I am, after all, the sole creator of Fuck-a-Bag Fridays, a great second-semester senior tradition. Anyways, I'm sure that Anna's main motivation for the compliment was to get a shout-out spot on the prestigious Lymph Node, so Anna, despite it being a shameless ploy to get a leg up in the blog world, here you are. Her blog's got a little something for everyone: literary analysis for all you book worms, spiritual insight for all you church-goers, and for all you masochists, her writing proficiency tends to make a person feel painfully inferior. Just a good read, overall, so check it out.
Last but not least, the Utah Pigeon Club celebrated their 100th anniversary by sponsoring the Grand National Pigeon Show. I think I speak for the vast majority of the population when I say that I thought there was only one kind of pigeon. But ho-ly shit. Just look at these motherfuckers! But seriously, look at these motherfuckers! It's like, when God was taking a break from making the world, he left the first ever aviary unlocked, and some asshole angel, fresh off killing a spliff, wandered over and thought he'd give the whole creating thing the ol' college try. I guess he heard God coming back and peaced out medias reas, because this guy (above) seems to be missing something pretty imperative, like, I dunno, a face? It's not just this one though, 90% of these supposedly-award-winning pigeons would make godawful carriers. And how about this guy? Call me a conspirator, but I'm not so sure the owner of this "pigeon" didn't just crazy glue a feather duster to a potato.
Starfucker - Gucci Mane & Wampire - I'm da Shit(Bitch) vs. Orchards [STRFKR Mashup]
So gotta throw my favorite mentally-compromised rapper/ ice cream aficianado a bone, and also to Starfucker who just played at Lincoln Hall on Tuesday. Promoting their new album Reptilians
, released in early March, Starfucker is comprised of Joshua Hodges (vocals, keyboards, guitar, drums), Ryan Biornstad (guitar, keyboard, vocals, turntables), Shawn Glassford (bass, keyboards, drums), and Keil Corcoran (drums, keyboards, vocals). I don't enjoy all their stuff, but this song's been on heavy rotation ever since I scooped it off Hype Machine, so enjoy!
Download here
*Probably to a fault, as she attended a time trial in which it was assumed no one would attend. Long story short, my teammates and I were donning nothing more than the netting to discarded running shorts as a joke, and Katie got an undesired eyeful.
No big deal that your Lymph Node is way more composed than my OneADay with your fancy schmancy links and videos...
ReplyDeleteJealousy aside, good to see you're getting into it homie.